The Aulic Council of the HRE
The Aulic Council (Latin: Consilium Aulicum, German: Reichshofrat, literally meaning Court Council of the Empire) was one of the two supreme courts of the Holy Roman Empire, the other being the Imperial Chamber Court. It had not only concurrent jurisdiction with the latter court, but in many cases exclusive jurisdiction, in all feudal processes, and in criminal affairs, over the immediate feudatories of the Emperor and in affairs which concerned the Imperial Government. The present seat of the Aulic Council of the HRE is in Rome and London at the Imperial Embassy of the Holy Roman Empire Association.

Resumption of the Aulic Council - 2023
The Holy Roman Empire Association - Associazioni dei Nobili del Sacro Romano Impero - HREA - The Chancellor of the HREA, has declared the resumption of the Aulic Council - Consilium Aulicum - Reichshofrat, being the Court Council of the Holy Roman Empire, in the presence of the Officers of the HREA in a meeting held on the 29th April In the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty Three, in the Imperial Eternal City of Rome. The Aulic Council is composed of a President, a Vice-President, a Vice-Chancellor, and 18 Councillors of the Empire. The Chancellor of the HREA has assumed the Office of President of the Aulic Council of the HRE, being signed and dated under the Imperial Seal of the Holy Roman Empire. “Christus vincit! Christus regnat! Christus imperat!” – “Christ conquers, Christ reigns, Christ commands”

Contact the Aulic Council of the HRE: contact@holyromanempireassociation.org